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Welcome to the World's most specialized site on buying tropical fish in the United States and the UK Online

most popular tropical fish was created in 2005 and has progressively evolved to source the most popular tropical fish on eBay. We help you save time and money searching eBay for live tropical fish offered by breeders and online pet stores. Whether you're looking to purchase freshwater fish online including popular species such as Tetra, Guppys, Molly, Swordtail or many others, we can help with your request. Our tropcial fish stock is continously changing and updated.

Today's Deals on Live Tropical Fish

Most fish that are sold as tropical fish are freshwater species. Most species available are generally bred from fish farms in the far east[2] and Florida[3] where tropical temperatures make the commercial production more viable. Mass production of tropical fish from farms has led to many inexpensive fish available to aquarists. Tropical freshwater fish are the most popular group of fish because of the low price and ease of keeping in aquaria. Some species are difficult to breed in captivity and so are still sourced from the wild. These species are generally more expensive. Among the bred-in-captivity species, the most expensive freshwater species include arowanas and flowerhorn cichlids. Some male flowerhorns are sterile due to many cross breedings.[4]. Read more here.

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